Tag Archives: European Union

A challenge to Brexit

Last week I was attempting to arrange voting by proxy in the impending Brexit referendum. Long story short I can’t because I’ve been living outside the UK for too long. My vote would have been to remain in the EU;  not going to claim the EU is perfect (at least not with a straight face) but it seems like the only logical choice when the Brexit’s campaign hinges on ‘it will be alright on the night’.

So since I can’t vote I’m going to issue a challenge to the leaders of Brexit and give them an opportunity to nail their colours to the mast. What I would like from them are their predictions for the UK’s performance in the following economic indicators:

  • Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
  • Income and Wages
  • Unemployment Rate
  • Consumer Price Index (Inflation)
  • Currency Strength
  • Interest Rates
  • Corporate Profits
  • Balance of Trade

For 2026 – ten years after Brexit if it happens.

Here’s the fun bit though – if these targets aren’t met you leave. You take responsibility for having lead Britain down the wrong path and you leave. You relinquish whatever state jobs or titles you’ve gained, surrender to the to exchequer whatever pension entitlements you have accrued from state employment and leave the country. Most of you are at least well off, so you can afford to up sticks, unlike the people you’ll have lead into an economic cul-de-sac.

There are a couple of caveats to keep things fair.

  1. If Britain votes to remain in the EU, then don’t worry about it.
  2. If Britain does leave but attempts to reenter before 2026 then that is the point at which we measure the indicators, we don’t wait for the ten year mark.
  3. You can set the bar as low as you like. Assuming you lack the confidence and self respect to do so.

So there’s the challenge. Do you have the guts to take it?

Edmond Barrett is a British Expat living the Ireland who is perfectly aware that since not many people read this blog currently it is very unlikely to ever reach the Brexit leadership and is currently contemplating whether to apply for Irish Citizenship.


Filed under Random Rants, Uncategorized